kadalinakkare ponore, kaana ponninu ponore
‘poyi verumbol enthu ondaaki therrum.. vayar niraye ?’…… that was the question Pareekutty asked Karuthamma as he was preparing for a fishing expedition…Karuthamma who was standing demurely behind the coconut tree replied…
‘adhehathinnu fish biriyani undaaki thanaal mathiyoo…’
‘yes Karu darling…that sounds good!! ’ …… Pareekutty replied
Karuthamma holding a palm leaf in her hand timidly stepped towards him ….
‘But kochumuthalaali…. kochumuthalaaliyude Atkins diet enthu aavum……..’
She was worried about kochumuthalaali’s health….After all he was gaining weight these days…
Pareekutty held Karuthamma ‘s hands and said….
‘Atleast not this day karale…namakku fish biriyani adichitttu ee kadalinakkare paadi paadi nadakkam…what say….’
‘Oh chetta…how romantic!!’ Karuthamma mumbled turning her face away shyly with her fingers to her chin…..
Not wanting to waste much time… Pareekutty hurried up to his thoni….It was thundering in the backdrop….. Karuthamma glanced at the rough seas and asked her boyfriend….
“Pakshe chetta….look at the clouds...hear the thunders…and the sea is rough…..”
Karuthamma looked quite worried….but Pareekutty walked ahead unperturbed for he knew it was global warming…..As he was about to launch his thoni to the waters he turned back and yelled in a deep baritone voice…..
‘I ll BE BACK….’
Karuthamma blew a flying a kiss as he faded away into the vast Arabian Sea…
As she was on way back to her hut she went to Foodworld nearby and bought about 1 kilo basmati rice….and ghee… It has been long time since she has made fish biriyani and so she had no choice but to visit a nearby internet café…. There she found a blog by Seenachechi who had written down how to make it… She took a print out and ran home before her dad found her. Once at home she turned on the radio…it came to life….and there was music in Radio Mirchi...
That song was not a favourite of hers…she changed the station…..
‘Maanasamaine varoo… Maanasamaine varoo…’
The song touched her heart and no sooner since she finished slicing 6 big onion and 8 green chillies, tears welled up in her eyes…But there was no one to comfort her….After all Kadalamma was her only comfort at times…It was after all kadalamma who gave her both Pareekutty and Salmon which she needed for the Biriyani.. After marinating about 700 gms of Salmon with a paste made of 2 tbsp ginger-garlic paste, 4 tsp chilli powder, half teaspoon turmeric, 1tsp pepper, 1 tsp fennel powder, salt and lime juice she rested for sometime…. She picked the nearby Manorama magazine spend reading a story by her favourite author Thakazhi saar for the next 30 min… That’s when she remembered she had to slice the Thakali’s…Wasting no time she sliced 4 tomatoes into thin pieces… But then she was stuck with a big dilemma…But she had no choice…. She immediately set to her parent’s home….
“Entha Karuthammye…..”
“Mummy…enikku alpum kashuvandi theraamo…..”
She immediately went back home collecting 50 gms cashewnut….She was happy to avoid meeting her daddy Chembankunju whom she could not ever forgive….As a reminder of his betrayal there still adorned in her kitchen…the dowry he gave it her hubby….. A LG microwave oven… She put 3 cups of rice along with 6 cups of water, 3 cardamoms, 4 cloves, 2-3 pieces of cinnamon, salt, tsp ghee, bay leaves and a pinch of saffron… She set it to 20 min and fried the fish in the meanwhile… In rhythm to sound of fish getting fried in hot oil she started humming her favourite song…
She stopped singing coz she could hear a familiar voice humming in the back ground….
Puthan valakkare…puthan valakkare…
“Damn it...” she said…. Any moment Pareekutty would be home….
“Palani chetta… innu chakkara aanu..fishing innu povunnu ille…”
Fishing was Palani’s first love...and he was promised fish Biriyani as well when he would be back home…

Jayan chettan had a camera which he got after a recent fight with some kollaakaars...so he took some pics too..