kadalinakkare ponore, kaana ponninu ponore
‘poyi verumbol enthu ondaaki therrum.. vayar niraye ?’…… that was the question Pareekutty asked Karuthamma as he was preparing for a fishing expedition…Karuthamma who was standing demurely behind the coconut tree replied…
‘adhehathinnu fish biriyani undaaki thanaal mathiyoo…’
‘yes Karu darling…that sounds good!! ’ …… Pareekutty replied
Karuthamma holding a palm leaf in her hand timidly stepped towards him ….
‘But kochumuthalaali…. kochumuthalaaliyude Atkins diet enthu aavum……..’
She was worried about kochumuthalaali’s health….After all he was gaining weight these days…
Pareekutty held Karuthamma ‘s hands and said….
‘Atleast not this day karale…namakku fish biriyani adichitttu ee kadalinakkare paadi paadi nadakkam…what say….’
‘Oh chetta…how romantic!!’ Karuthamma mumbled turning her face away shyly with her fingers to her chin…..
Not wanting to waste much time… Pareekutty hurried up to his thoni….It was thundering in the backdrop….. Karuthamma glanced at the rough seas and asked her boyfriend….
“Pakshe chetta….look at the clouds...hear the thunders…and the sea is rough…..”
Karuthamma looked quite worried….but Pareekutty walked ahead unperturbed for he knew it was global warming…..As he was about to launch his thoni to the waters he turned back and yelled in a deep baritone voice…..
‘I ll BE BACK….’
Karuthamma blew a flying a kiss as he faded away into the vast Arabian Sea…
As she was on way back to her hut she went to Foodworld nearby and bought about 1 kilo basmati rice….and ghee… It has been long time since she has made fish biriyani and so she had no choice but to visit a nearby internet café…. There she found a blog by Seenachechi who had written down how to make it… She took a print out and ran home before her dad found her. Once at home she turned on the radio…it came to life….and there was music in Radio Mirchi...
That song was not a favourite of hers…she changed the station…..
‘Maanasamaine varoo… Maanasamaine varoo…’
The song touched her heart and no sooner since she finished slicing 6 big onion and 8 green chillies, tears welled up in her eyes…But there was no one to comfort her….After all Kadalamma was her only comfort at times…It was after all kadalamma who gave her both Pareekutty and Salmon which she needed for the Biriyani.. After marinating about 700 gms of Salmon with a paste made of 2 tbsp ginger-garlic paste, 4 tsp chilli powder, half teaspoon turmeric, 1tsp pepper, 1 tsp fennel powder, salt and lime juice she rested for sometime…. She picked the nearby Manorama magazine spend reading a story by her favourite author Thakazhi saar for the next 30 min… That’s when she remembered she had to slice the Thakali’s…Wasting no time she sliced 4 tomatoes into thin pieces… But then she was stuck with a big dilemma…But she had no choice…. She immediately set to her parent’s home….
“Entha Karuthammye…..”
“Mummy…enikku alpum kashuvandi theraamo…..”
She immediately went back home collecting 50 gms cashewnut….She was happy to avoid meeting her daddy Chembankunju whom she could not ever forgive….As a reminder of his betrayal there still adorned in her kitchen…the dowry he gave it her hubby….. A LG microwave oven… She put 3 cups of rice along with 6 cups of water, 3 cardamoms, 4 cloves, 2-3 pieces of cinnamon, salt, tsp ghee, bay leaves and a pinch of saffron… She set it to 20 min and fried the fish in the meanwhile… In rhythm to sound of fish getting fried in hot oil she started humming her favourite song…
She stopped singing coz she could hear a familiar voice humming in the back ground….
Puthan valakkare…puthan valakkare…
“Damn it...” she said…. Any moment Pareekutty would be home….
“Palani chetta… innu chakkara aanu..fishing innu povunnu ille…”
Fishing was Palani’s first love...and he was promised fish Biriyani as well when he would be back home…

Jayan chettan had a camera which he got after a recent fight with some kollaakaars...so he took some pics too..
Mathew!! It's 2.57 am in India and when I couldn't hold back my sleep, said good nite to my fiance (over chat)and was planning to log out...but I saw this update on my google reader and I set out to read it!
Now I am wide awake!! LOL! Man, you write so well! Never expected so much when I saw ur comment at Mishmash!
Enikku eppol fish biriyani venam! Enikkuvendi kadalil poyi meen pidichu konduvarille chette! Ooops! I mean chetta! :P :P
Just kidding! :)
@Riaammyee.. ;-D
That comment came so fast!! it was hardly 5 min since i had published the post..;-)
i was afraid this post was a drag..that comment made me cheer up too..thanks a lot.:)
yeah..as per your request..let me go get my yacht...ethu meen venam...oru vamban shraavu mathiyoo....LOL!!! ;-D
The fragarance of a famous story spreaded in a fish biriyani! Real talent! Enjoyed the essence. Learned how leisurely and lovingly one can prepare a fish biriyani. Thank you.
Very innovative food blogging. aa pics il kaanunna biriyani kittiyirunnenkillllllll.........vayar nirakkamaarunnu.
*sigh* u hve left me hungry for sum biriyani......dushtan!!!
@ 1 in the morning....
LOL Fundo Remix .... Working on any film script by any chance ?
OMG..!! i am not a fan of fish biriyani...but loved your fish biriyani! and the story+recipe combo is great!
thanks a lot...yeah..actually i find making a biriyani much less of a chore than a full meal..atleast a biryani last for two meals..:-)
nee boat inte valathottu net idu..nee oru koythu vaarum..;-P
hehe..atleast i feel gratified..:-P
I have been suffering from this problem surfing many a food blogs... thanks for visiting..
thanks buddy... err..what did you say..film...:-O
glad to know it was enjoyable..well i like almost all kinds of food..:-P
Today in office i am goin to have 'Himmel und Erde'..translated to 'Heaven and earth'..a classic german fare..:-D
Vamban shravu?!!? LOL!!! :P :P
And btw this post was very innovative :)
Loved the recipe and the style .Keep up the great skill :)
love ur writing style...its.eh different!
n what a story to go along!! ROFL
Beerankunju aanallo matte blogil, evdeyo biriyaniyum. Innu kol adiche. Mosham illa, kazhivu apaarum thanne:D
Two days back I was in Calicut and had Zainatata's fish biryani...it ws to die for.....
I m back after my short vaccation and u blog abt the same....thts too gud a coincidence...
If ever you are in Calicut during the month of Ramzan please try and go to Zainatata's house for yummy Ramzan palaharam...
She makes runs a small eatery only during the holy month of Ramzan (so I was told) and sells Malabar Muslim delicacies....
Everythng gets sold in less than 2 hours....
Authentic food served with lots of love....erachi pathiri and fish biryani were the only things I could gorge on coz rest everythng gt over by then.....
Btw ur write and snaps are good....Gave me the required push to start working after holidays !!!
Hi new to your blog...
You write really funny and good...
I liked your cooking version of Chemeen... oh! sorry fish biriyani :)
Keep writing boss...
that was real great.how well you write!
can i try out the recipe? or is it an untried figment of your imagination? reads genuine, tho.
the pics - so apetiting.
really great read.
I never knew you read my blog!!! thanks da!!:-D
thank you..and thanks for visiting..
thanks a lot..
@The Holy Lama
hehe...thanks your holiness...:-P
Yeah..Beer and Biriyani makes a great combo..hehe..
@Small Talk
eh..why tempt me with such details...the last time i was in calicut was in 2003...so you know how frequent i could get!!:(
thanks for the tip..will tell my friends there to take me there whenever i go there..
thanks for visiting..:-)
it tastes good too...hehe..
@kochuthresiamma chechi
thanks a lot!!:-)
well..actually i did make it..and the recipe is true..do check out the link from Seena chechi..i followed almost the same recipe..and it turned out good!! though i used salmon..
thanks mathewchaya... :)
nannayittundu ketto.. karuthammem pareekkutteem fishbiryaneem okke koode.. pinne just imagined karuthamma blowing the flying kiss.. :)
hey mathew....
man i always liked ur blog.... but this time your writting skill is amzing ........
was not able to control my laugh ....
too good yaar . you in germany rite... hope can meet you next yr in germany.....:)
cheemeen ill ninnu inspire aayitu chemeen biriyani alley ondakandirinthu!! enthayalum kollam...pakshe eethuley twist vayicha thakazhi uncleinnu heart attack varumallo!!
truly innovative post...u made it sound so easy.....n the twist in the end was real funny...gud work
Wow! Absolutely hilarious! Be careful though - if some out of work director or script writer from our Malayalam industry were to see this they may get "inspired" to do a remake of Chemmeen :D The only dilemma would be who they would cast as Jayan Chettan!
chekks, it was a good one..actually a totally different concept?where did u get the idea from?? anyways was good..and hey I guess you are an expert in making fish biriyani..the recipe too was so accurate and genuine..hehe..anyways kollaam.i liked the concept very much !
I don't understand malayalam but the way u explained the recipe with that story and pictures, good!And that biryani looks hyderabadi-sh, sob I miss all that.
hehehe...kiddu mone...!!! watte a style an innovation..o ideaS....angane fish biriyaaniyum aayi...chekkaa...oru additional add on nokiyayirunnu....?? nammade beer-ological taste varaan???
mathew, a nice trip down the movie memory lane and fish biriyani to boot! enjoyed the post!
thanks for the recipe..it turned out really good!!:-)
thanks a lot…and thanks for reading so far…willkommen in Deutschland any day!!
btw would love to see some updates in your blog too…:-)
hehe..enthe cheyaanaa chemeen onnum kitilla!!:-P
thanks a lot! :-)
hahaha…I think a movie like chemeen is best left to itself…I don’t think there is anyone right now who can recreate and give justice to that movie…
@Thankam chechi..
Idea eke evide yadhoru paniyum illathappol kittunathu alle..:-P
Pinee check the recipe I have linked in the post…I used that ….
@ My Experiments with Cooking
thanks a lot for reading this..coz I think its only malayalees who would understand it…it based on a old classic movie called chemeen whose characters are interwoven with the recipe…
thanks a lot!! No beer and fish biriyani was just fine!! :-P
thanks a lot..glad to know you enjoyed it!:-)
How do you come up with such gems?
Must have read it at least 4 times in the past 15 minutes and I am still trying to control my laughter. The biriyani looks yummm
Dear All,thanks for all your concern and am being humbled with your love.
In fact,this is not a sudden decision,been thinking for a while now esp since my sinus have gone worse.Thank you all for supporting me and hope to meet you all at your own respective spaces.Love & have a great time..
That is one mean meen biryani! Karuthammadem,kochchumuthalaleedem katha ishtamaayi!:)
U wont believe it.But I have never eaten a fish biriyani in my entire life. And apparently, my mom in law is a genius in preparing that.
SO Im goin to use ur Jayan recipe and hope for Jayam in the combat..;)
Goodness u really let ur imagination take over....some part of the story were really ribtickling...really enjoyed it;-D
Never made fish biriyani yet.....had it once from a restaurant...it was good but somehow cant get myself to mix fish in a biriyani;-P
I thought it should be a 'chemmeen' biriyani and not fish biriyani ;)
I have never made it.. may be next time when I get some bakra's :P
That was one hilarious post!..very nice read..:)
Amazing!!!!!!!!!!! no more words to describe it... you rock buddy..
"but Pareekutty walked ahead unperturbed for he knew it was global warming….."
What a post! A story and a recipe at one go!!! :) My first time here.
dear mathew
how ever did i miss reading your posts all the time !
this was a real delight ,as tasty as the biriyani itself tks
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hi mathew..no updates!!
fish biriyani thinnu thirnilley?? atho ee postinde ksheenam mariyille??
Looks like you kitchen has closed down. You must be very slim now, not having eaten since Sep 21, 2009 :|
Awesome Mathew!!love your style!!
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